Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Relax & Post Mortem Konsert ke-3

Konsert 3 Akademi Fantasia 6 bermula dengan gimik yang menarik. Menariknya bila muzik rock bergegar di persembahan konsert minggu ini. Bermula dengan penuh bertenaga. Kalau momentum tersebut berterusan hingga ke penghujung konsert pasti ianya akan menjadi sebuah konsert yang paling diingati. Lebih menarik apabila Adlin Aman Ramlie ke kerusi pengkritik. Namun drama yang dicetuskan oleh Adlin nyata berbeza minggu ini. Minggu ini Adlin lebih serius dan bukan sarkastik bertempat seperti minggu lepas.

Ogy: x ok
Ning: x setuju dgn Ogy. Ok
Adlin: ok

Saya agak kecewa dengan nyanyiannya. Berdasarkan maklumat yang saya perolehi sewaktu raptai katanya beliau telah berikan nyanyian yang mantap, malangnya tidak kedengaran di persembahan sebenar. Saya masih nampak lagi ketakutan di wajahnya. Walaupun ada peningkatan, tetapi saya masih mengharapkan sesuatu yang luar biasa dari beliau. Aspek persembahan beliau sudah cukup ramuannya, cuma aspek vokal perlu beliau berikan perhatian. From sultanmuzaffar - (6/10)

Her confidence and her performance lebih meyakinkan with every week. Still a lot of flaws, tapi kalao ikut graph pencapaian, she has outdone a lot of people in terms of improvement.Betul kata Ramli seminggu lepas, where he said Saida kena improve lagik cepat sebab prestasi dia ketinggalan dua konsert.Decent effort, tapi vocally, dia kena start beefing up suara dia. And stop touching her hair.Aku tak paham kenapa meka meroyan kata dia tak honest and not true to rock. She was being herself and delivering the song in with her own flavour, which was ok. Takkan lagu tuh nak melalak ke feeling sora serak baru nak anggap rock.Stereotypes don't work.Semua tak true to rock but berapa orang yang aku bagik rock star rating. Lain tuh semua fake and wannabe posers trying to look and sound like rockers but failing miserably to even project any semblance of a rocker. Lagik keji. Matilah kalau Bob Lokman ada, dia sound munafik lagik. Seb baik dia takde. Kalao tak, kang cam Stanly, overrated with little performance.Minggu depan no more discount da. Hope she bucks up because the competition is getting serious. From Klubbkidd - 2 Bintang

Two weeks ago I commented on Saida's rather exaggerated, sometimes unnecessary hand movements that smack of pantomime. Last night, Ogy also said the same thing. Fauziah Nawi, if you're reading this, please do something about it. Saida needs to relax more on stage and let her soul sing, because she does have a lovely voice with a fine technique. She sang the song pretty well, but struggled with the interpretation. The sweet thing about Saida is that she does try, and her confidence is finally coming through. But she is also dangerously meandering in that zone all singers must avoid like the plague - mediocrity. Given the right song, she just might surprise us all. From Mr. Manager -3/5

Kedudukan rasmi pelajar bila undian ditutup malam tadi:
Stacy 14%
Alif 10%
Stanly 10%
Rina 10%
Nadia 9%
Riz 9%
Nubhan 8%
Saida 7%
Faisal 6%
Toi 6%
Naim 6% (tersingkir)
Lufya 5% (tersingkir)

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"Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives."

"For changes to be of any true value, they've got to be lasting and consistent."

"How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow I'm committed to?"

"I challenge You to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge You to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk."

"I've come to believe that all my past failure and frustration were actually laying the foundation for the understandings that have created the new level of living I now enjoy."

"If You want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results You want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results."


Konsert Akademi Fantasia 1 22-Mar Saturday, 2100
Konsert Akademi Fantasia 2 29-Mar Saturday, 2100

Konsert Akademi Fantasia 3 5-Apr Saturday, 2100
Konsert Akademi Fantasia 4 12-Apr Saturday, 2100
Konsert Akademi Fantasia 5 19-Apr Saturday, 2100
Konsert Akademi Fantasia 6 26-Apr Saturday, 2100
Konsert Akademi Fantasia 7 3-May Saturday, 2100
Konsert Akademi Fantasia 8 10-May Saturday, 2100
Konsert Akademi Fantasia 9 17-May Saturday, 2100
Konsert Akademi Fantasia (FINAL) 10 24-May Saturday, 2100